Light on Bridge This picture was taken on a bridge near my home with the canon rebel 2000. The sun was very bright that day and it hit the beam just right. It was taken with 400 tri-x at 2000 f/16. Corner Building with Staircase A corner building in downtown Pittsburgh with a wonderful fire ladder that runs up the side. Taken with the rebel 2000 on tri-x 400. Squirrel on Tree This was takin on a tree just outside my hoe with the canon rebel 2000 with a 300mm lens at f/5.6 on tri-x 400. Lost Souls Shot on a barren hillside with two local models. Used Ftb with 50mm lens at 125 f/8 on tri-x 400. Shadows on Bridge Bridge on Ohio River Blvd. Takin from valley infront of the building mill. Used rebel 2000 with 28-80 on tri-x 400. Flower This was taken on the Ftb with at 25mm extension tube on fuji-Neopan 100 ISO. Face This was taken with the canon ftb with a 25mm extension tube on tri-x 400. |